A few days ago someone left a comment requesting an interview about my blog for http://bloginterviewer.com/. I was very skeptical but eventually answered the questions asked. And it was actually published! Can you belive it? Because I can't! I thought it wouldn't make it. But it seems I actually have something interesting to say :)
They say my blog was recommended by someone. That is amazing! The fact that someone was able to recomend me for anything is mind blowing. So, whom ever you are, my heart felt "Thank you!"
If you are interested, you can read the interview here: http://bloginterviewer.com/books/cards-in-the-mail-m-a-leal
Have fun! (Oh, and by the way, there is a sort of contest in this site, so if you'd like, you could vote for me, ok? ;)
Hugs to all!
image taken from: http://www.thebluegrassblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/5/singlemic.jpg